Wednesday, January 5, 2011

January 2nd

I woke up this morning freezing (mind you it was probably
in the mid 60s, again not to rub it in your faces, just sharing
my experience). This morning we went to the mother
church (the group I brought as well as the nursing students
and Karen) Tom and the Sprouses (a married couple who
are both medical students) were at the hospital, they had a
C-section at 4 am and then a hernia repair after that. They
were so busy that when they came up to the house for lunch
at around 2 they still hadn’t even finished up rounds at the
hospital. The service was relatively brief, only lasting about
two hours. We had communion today, the first time I’ve had
communion since I arrived here. It’s not something they do
often I guess. Someone was telling me they only have
communion at the Katherie church the Sunday before Good
Friday. This afternoon some of the nursing students and two
of the girls from the church group I picked up were playing
with some kids (about 30). It was quite entertaining, they
are very good with kids. They were teaching them different
games and some songs. Other than that, I don’t even know
where this afternoon went, it seemed to just slide by without
my noticing it. Suddenly it was dinner time and after dinner
we spent quite a while talking at our house. I think one of my
favorite parts of having people come visit is just getting to
learn about the things they’ve done and experienced. After
that I went on a walk with Daniel Kamara, Sheka (both of
them are students Tom and Karen support at university),
Abdul and Lareena one of the girls from the church group. I
think I start classes tomorrow but I heard it might be a holiday,
not sure. Not really ready to start again but I had to eventually.
I would much rather help at the hospital and in fact I am going
to continue to as much as I can. I really like helping at the
hospital in the wards but I came to teach so that’s my main
focus and priority. Good night.

Blessings from Kamakwie
Ryan Brooks

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