Tuesday, December 7, 2010

December 7th

So today I don’t have a whole lot to tell you about. I spent the
whole morning sorting boxes with Karen and then a good part of
the afternoon putting some of the boxes into the places they go.
I did enjoy one of our finds. It was a whole box of Christian
literature and some of the books look quite good to read. Dinner
tonight was strawberry cake. Not much of a dinner but Tom and
Karen had a meeting until almost 7:30 tonight and so by time they
got back they didn’t feel like making anything, not that I could
blame them. That’s one thing about being here, home if we were
busy and didn’t have time to get dinner cooked you could just eat
out or run out and grab something to bring home, really not so
here. Tonight we tried to watch a movie using a big 12 volt car
battery (like they use here for the 12 volt lights). They attached an
inverter to bring it up to 220 since the projector cannot run off of
12 volts. It was working fine for about 40 minute then it suddenly
went off. So now we know that we can’t watch a movie off of a
battery, just not enough stored power. The reason they were
trying is because they wanted to be able to show films
(predominantly the Jesus film) out in the villages without running
their generator because it makes so much noise it just drowns out
the sound of the movie, which doesn’t do much good when it’s
really important to hear what is happening. Seeing this film can be
the first time some of these people have really gotten the scoop
about Jesus. This is especially pertinent because we are going out
Sunday in order to show the Jesus film in Kakamba this coming
Sunday, I’m pretty excited I must admit even though I don’t like
listening to the Jesus film in Krio. Though, I must admit I’m starting
to sort of understand Krio. Since the battery idea failed they are
going to try running the projector of the car battery of their diesel
truck, the truck will have to be running but it will be significantly
quieter than the generator would be. But we’ll be taking that along
too just in case. Anyway, that’s about all I’ve got for you all, have a
great night.

Greetings and blessings from Kamakwie,
Ryan Brooks

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